photo composite highlights from 6 seasons of Comedy Bang! Bang! (IFC) 1990s style segment card Terry Gilliam style title card The Great Gatsby parody segment title 1960s style segment card Late Night talk show parody title 1980s style movie title segment title card segment title The View parody segment title card segment card cooking show parody title card Shark Tank parody title card DIY show parody title card Farside style cartoon Playboy style cartoon Playboy style cartoon street caricature style drawing of Matt Walsh photo composite hangman game insane asylum establishing shot virus monster character and background design monster character design body explosion photo composit photo composite background photo composite character design Clue parody board game prop design kids' magic set prop design air brush style wardrobe design comic book style lower third western lower third sitcom style name card vintage style advertisement Tosh.0 parody segment background vintage album cover parody album cover prop design oil painting portrait painting of David Alan Grier set dressing video game parody set dressing poster sci fi show poster for set dressing propaganda poster set dressing reality show parody poster for set dressing