Looney Tunes style end card highlights from assorted television projects including Nathan For You, The Eric Andre Show, Review with Forrest Macneil and Documentary Now! Nathan For You logo / title card from Nathan For You (Comedy Central) Portrait of Kevin Hart featured in the Draft Kings Super Bowl Commercial Dreamcatchers faux TV show promo graphic from A Deeper Look Stephen King style book cover Bubble Buddies title card for Bubble Buddies (online promo series) show title card / logo design aged photo composite from Documentary Now! (IFC) fake DVR menu for The Birthday Boys (IFC) Roach in the House title card / logo from Roach in the House web series Batman Animated Series style title card for The Birthday Boys (IFC) dumb Starbucks logo from Nathan For You Bachelor parody title card from Nathan For You (Comedy Central) show title card / logo design for Jon Benjamin Has a Van (Comedy Central) Amusement park map for Tacoma FD: Season 3 (Tru TV/ HBO Max) 1960s style title card for live action comedy pilot, Go, Bolivia, Go! hand drawn Tom Hanks characters from Magic For Humans (Netflix) Portrait of Dr. Rick digital painting parody production slate for The Birthday Boys (IFC) 1940s style movie title card From Eagleheart (Adult Swim) Madmen parody title card for The Birthday Boys (IFC) Downton Abbey parody title card for The Birthday Boys (IFC) Thrifty Boy logo from The Rehearsal (HBO Max) Breaking Bad parody title card for The Birthday Boys (IFC) Game of Thrones parody title card for The Birthday Boys (IFC) Larry King style lower third for The Birthday Boys (IFC) digital oil painting for The Birthday Boys (IFC) composite establishing shot from Apocalypse Video cartoon segment from Nathan for You (Comedy Central) dated website for The Birthday Boys (IFC) footage composite for The Birthday Boys (IFC) segment title card for Jenny Lewis On the Line Online 1950s style title card 16 bit style title card for Magic For Humans (Comedy Central) composite establishing shot used in music video hero prop logo from Review with Forrest MacNeil jump scare graphic for The Birthday Boys (IFC) comic book style on screen graphic from the music video for the band, The Damned Things old timey show poster for The Birthday Boys (IFC) green screen background and animation assets from Old Spice commercial Terry Crews chick for Old Spice commercial 2015 Warhol style portrait of Jon Daly set dressing for Rich Dicks (web short) Warhol style portrait of Nick Kroll set dressing for Rich Dicks (web short) Denny's parody card for The Birthday Boys (IFC) promo graphic for The Room: The Musical creepypasta style photo for Flayaway (Adult Swim) file photo from Flayaway (Adult Swim) Garfield style cartoon prop design from Moonbase 08 Goosebumps style book prop design 60s style ad from Eagleheart (Adult Swim) vintage cartoon VHS for The Birthday Boys (IFC) beer can prop design for The Birthday Boys (IFC) Looney Tunes style end card for The Birthday Boys (IFC)
from Nathan For You (Comedy Central)